Upper Room Fellowship West Campus
842 Glen Oaks Drive
Fairfield, Alabama 35064
Upper Room Fellowship Church was founded by Dr. Elizabeth Pugh. The Spirit of the Lord led Dr. Pugh to hold a three month revival in Kelley Ingram Park. Many souls were saved. As a result of our efforts, we located various church homes for the multitude of people. Under God’s direction we begin having services in a two story building on the residence of Dr. Elizabeth Pugh. The church was named God’s Community Prayer Mission. The name was later changed to Solomon Assembly Church of God. Multiple Ministries and Churches were birthed through this Church. The ministry was very active in preaching the word and souls being saved. In 1991 the ministry moved to a location at 109-68th Place North, Birmingham, Alabama 35206 and was named Upper Room Fellowship Church of God where we also provided food, clothing and hope for the homeless individuals. Pastor Teresa Ragland succeeded Dr. Elizabeth Pugh as Pastor of the Church in 1994. She is the current Pastor. In 2009 Upper Room Fellowship Church purchased a building located at 842 Glen Oaks Drive, Fairfield, Alabama 35064. The church was incorporated in 2010 with the name Upper Room Fellowship Church. Currently Upper Room Fellowship has two locations in Eastlake and Fairfield as well as two lots of land in Midfield.